

What Does Gamestop Teach Us About Investing?

February 16th, 2021|

The short answer is not much. The more nuanced answer is that it shows what happens when too many people pile into the stocks of small, thinly-traded stocks (i.e., low daily volume traded). Too much demand relative to supply pushed the prices of stocks like Gamestop far beyond what their underlying fundamentals warranted. […]

Set Financial Intentions, Not Resolutions

January 6th, 2021|

After 2020, setting lofty resolutions for 2021 might feel like a stretch, when just getting through the day can feel like a success. Instead, use the turning of the calendar as a time to reflect on what adaptions from 2020 you’d like to keep going forward. Also, instead of setting resolutions, try setting intentions. Here’s how that might look in [...]

What Prop 19 Means for California Homeowners

December 7th, 2020|

One of the dozen state propositions on the California ballot this year was Proposition 19. It was one of two propositions to address property taxes. It passed with 51% voting in favor, while the other property tax-related proposition, Prop 15, failed. What does Prop 19 mean for California homeowners? […]

The Magic of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)

November 3rd, 2020|

Many people are currently in open enrollment for employee benefits right now. An often-overlooked employee benefit that can really pay off in the long-term is the Health Savings Account (HSA). HSAs provide a tax-advantaged way to save for healthcare costs, now or in retirement. […]

Elections and the Stock Market

October 9th, 2020|

The 2020 election is arguably one of the most important elections in a lifetime. Much is at stake: management of the pandemic, the economy and on-going racial strife, trade relations with China, and election integrity and its impact on our democracy. Many investors are wondering how this election might impact the stock market. […]

What’s Up With the Stock Market?

September 3rd, 2020|

With the Nasdaq, Dow and S&P 500 indices hitting all-time highs recently, you might be wondering if the stock market has become completely untethered from reality. After all, we’re still in the midst of a global pandemic that has resulted in a sharp rise in unemployment, millions of struggling businesses and individuals and a sharp contraction in Gross Domestic Product [...]

Is the Federal Government Going Broke?

August 6th, 2020|

The federal government has already poured $3T into the economy to soften the economic pain caused by the coronavirus. It is currently debating sending another $1T to $3T into the economy to deal with the prolonged nature of the downturn. You might be worrying about the impacts on current and future generations of this high level of spending. After all, [...]

Top 3 Personal Finance Tips for Graduating Seniors

June 3rd, 2020|

I was asked to share my top 3 personal finance tips with a class of local high school seniors. There are so many smart money habits new adults need. Where to start? I tried to focus on the ones that would set these newly minted adults off on the right path. Here’s what I came up with: […]