kids and money

The Cost of Private School in the Bay Area

Private schools are a wonderful part of our education system. Families choose to send their children to private schools for many reasons: lack of good public schools in their area, adherence to a particular educational or religious philosophy, better support for special needs children or a desire to replicate their educational background, as well as a [...]

Teaching Kids the Difference Between Needs and Wants

There are many skills we need to teach our kids to be successful in life. Quite a few of them relate to money – how to create a budget, how to save for the future, delayed gratification, how to know the value of a dollar. One of the most important life skills that relates to money is how to distinguish [...]

‘Tis the Season of Giving

The holiday season tends to be a season when we feel more charitable towards our fellow human beings. It is also a great time of year to teach young children about giving back. Opportunities abound to drive this lesson home. […]

Raising Financially Fit Kids

Did you know that 75% of parents think teaching kids about money is a moral imperative, but only 36% report knowing how to do so[1]? These statistics speak both to the perceived importance of the task and to the high level of financial illiteracy in our country. […]