The Gift that Keeps on Giving

With the holidays upon us, my thoughts have turned to gift giving. My kids are already preparing their lists for Santa. While it can be tempting to fulfill their every request, have you ever noticed how quickly they become bored with the toys and games you buy them? How about giving them a gift with longer-term [...]

How to Choose the Best College Savings Account

After the lazy days of summer, the Fall is often a time of renewed focus on planning and project completion before year‐end. To that end, if getting serious about saving for your kids’ college is one of your projects, there are several different account types to consider. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. This [...]

Where Should I Put My Child’s Savings?

A friend of mine recently asked me about what type of account to put her kids’ savings into. I thought others might be interested in the topic, too. There are a variety of different types of accounts available with different levels of parental control and implications on college financial aid […]

How to Choose the Best College Savings Account

After the lazy days of summer, the Fall is often a time of renewed focus on planning and project completion before year-end. To that end, if getting serious about saving for your kids’ college is one of your projects, there are several different account types to consider. […]